How To Add Subtitles In Kinemaster – Step By Step Guide

Are you interested in How To Add Subtitles in Kinemaster? Then today’s article is written for you. The software in the Play Store is better than Kinemaster for editing and adding video subtitles. In addition, the other beneficial point is that this beautifully designed tool is not free of cost or use. Due to this reason, Kinemaster is suitable for all users, both beginners and professionals. If you want to add subtitles in kinemaster for the most updated version, check Kinemaster Mod Apk.

Here, the question comes to mind: how many add subtitles in Kinemaster are essential in the videos? Yes, subtitles’ role in the video is extensive because it engages more audiences and gives videos a professional look. So, if you want to add subtitles in Kinemaster, stay connected with us because below we provide you with the step-by-step procedure to add subtitles in Kinemaster.

How Do I Add Subtitles In Kinemaster?

The method of How do i Add Subtitles in Kinemaster is completed in the following steps. If you want to add subtitles, follow the simple and easy steps below.

Uploading Of Kinemaster File

In the first step, you must upload or import the file from any resources like mobile, PC, and any social media platform.

Getting Access To Text Tool

After the video importation, it’s time to access the title-adding tool in the Kinemaster. The title tool is mainly designed and knows the capital icon in the app. When you find the title icon, click on it. After the number of text styles, options are visible on the screen.

Take Up The Subtitle

After completing the above steps, the time text tool is activated, and now you can add your text to the video. Moreover, no matter which text category you add, like captions, main theme, central video, dialogue, etc, you can easily do it if you are a Kinemaster user.

In addition to enhancing the quality of subtitles, Kinemaster offers customization functionality in terms of font size, color, etc. Managing these minor edits overall boosts the video look and brings accuracy to the project.

Time Adjustment

The subtitle’s appearance in the video at the right time is a significant worry if you are a Kinemaster user because you can do it quickly and efficiently. How do you do that? You can do it by dragging the added text with suitable audio and video. After completing this step, you will successfully add the desired text to the video.

Boost The Text Look With A Variety Of Alterations

If you want to enhance the beauty of your added subtitles, you must do further animations and make them stylish by choosing the styles. For this purpose, Kinemaster helps our users by offering plenty of editing text tools and designs that boost subtitles’ quality and increase the video’s public engagement.


After reviewing the whole blog, we concluded that knowing how to extract audio from video in Kinemaster and learning How To Add Subtitles In Kinemaster can significantly enhance the quality of your videos. In addition, the simple and easy interface of Kinemaster and a variety of professional editing tools make the video eye-catching and famous all over the globe. So why do you wait more? Start creatively with Kinemaster subtitles and make your video the center of attraction in social media. Thanks.

FAQS – Frequently Asked Questions

Kinemaster allows you to drag and drop the title where or in which section you want to implant, so you can easily adjust or place the text where you want.

Of course, yes, you can add different language subtitles through Kinemaster. By adding subtitles in various languages, you can enhance the accessibility, accessibility, and viewers.

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