How To Add Text In Kinemaster Like A Pro
The addition of text in the videos undoubtedly makes it significantly adoring, so today, we tell you how to add text in Kinemaster using its text tools. The question arises in the minds of lots of people: what kind of design do we do by utilizing the text feature of Kinemaster? No worries, we will provide you with the best answer.
Yes, by utilizing this supreme quality text feature, you can make the video super exciting for the viewers because you can add a variety of titles, captions, subheadings titles, and a variety of writing styles according to your video’s compatibility. So, by these alterations and adding a variety of texts, you can give your videos a professional and dynamic look.
How Do I Add Text In Kinemaster?
Are you a Kinemaster user who wants to know how to add text in Kinemaster and edit text in Kinemaster? Then you are exactly at the right place. Here, we tell you the detailed procedure for adding text in Kinemaster.
Just follow the simple, easy steps below to add text videos successfully. No matter which device you use, iOS or Android, the procedure of scrolling text in Kinemaster and adding is quite similar.

Open The Kinemaster App On Your Device
First, you must open the application on your device or mobile phone to utilize this fantastic feature. Instead of that, if Kinemaster is not present on your phone and laptop, then
firstly, download the Kinemaster For iOS.

Import The Desired Video That You Want To Edit
After completing the first step, it is time to import the video to the app that you want to alter or edit. For this purpose, you need to click on the media button, which is available in the top left corner of your phone screen. Moreover, from there, you are automatically moved to the gallery of your device or phone to select video. Furthermore, click on the video you want to import and edit in Kinemaster.

It Is Time To Add The Text In The Video
In the third step, you are ready to add the video text. To fulfill this purpose, you need to click on the layer button, which is available in the top right corner of the screen. Moreover, this option is an open menu with various options for adding layers to the video. So, choose the text menu to open a new menu with numerous text or title suggestions.

Text Customization
After selecting the desired text, it is time to select the right font, writing style, size management, and text color. Moreover, to enhance the text look, you can apply various effects to them, like fade up and fade down the color and size. Tap the animation button at the bottom of your phone and device screen for a successful customization application. You can choose the desired animations for your text that suit your video.

Positioning Of Text
After completing text customization, you can adjust the correct position of your text on the screen or in the video. How can you do that? No worries, it is super esay and straightforward. Just tap on the adding text on the screen and move it where you want to display. The beneficial point is that you can also resize the text after its positioning. For this purpose, you tap on the edge. Of text and minimize or maximize it as you want.

Adjust The Text Timing Or Duration
To manage the text timing, tap on the text layer and pull it or move it as per the required length. Instead, there is another simple way of managing the text duration for this procedure: tap on the button of duration, which is available at the bottom of your phone screen. Moreover, as you tap on the button, different time schemes are available on the screen, like 1 sec to a few minutes, so that you can select any of the time duration for your video.

Final Step (Video Saving)
If you are satisfied with your edit, it is time for video saving. For video saving, click the button share, which is mentioned in the top right corner of your Device screen. Furthermore, as you tap this button, several options are available for video-sharing platforms to choose your desired or required one. Now the procedure is finished, the video is saved on your device.
Final Words – How To Add Text In Kinemaster
After reading the whole blog, you surely add the text in Kinemaster to enhance the quality of the video and make it the center of attraction for everyone. Hopefully, our blog is beneficial and understanding for you. Moreover, if you still need clarification, you must watch the shirt tutorials, which are available below. Don’t wait to download the fantastic video editor on your device and boost your career as a video editor. If you are interested in downloading the, visit our blog. Whose link is mentioned in this blog? Downloading links to kinemaster apps are available. Thanks.